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Hear from our partners


Ridgway State Park

John Freeborn, Park Manager

"Ridgway State Park is thrilled to share the tremendous impact that the Colorado Parks Foundation (CPF) and its grant program have had on our beloved park, its visitors, and the local community. Their generous support has enriched the experiences we offer, elevating our status as a premier destination for recreation, outdoor education, and community outreach and engagement.

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North Sterling State Park

David Piper, Park Manager

This letter is to highlight the partnership North Sterling State Park has had with The Colorado Parks Foundation (CPF) over the past several years. North Sterling has applied for and received five different grants that have helped the park meet or fix a need that general park budget was not able address.


Crawford State Park

Scott Rist, Park Manager

The Colorado Parks Foundation's grants have had a positive impact on Crawford State Park over the last seven years. These grants have facilitated the purchase of various equipment, enabling the park to offer a range of outdoor recreational activities to its visitors. The grants made it possible to achieve several goals of the park.



Liz Bade, Director of the Board

"Friends of Castlewood Canyon appreciates the Colorado Parks Foundation for their support of two of our projects.   In 2016, we received a generous grant that paved the way for the replacement of the Park's interpretive signs.

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