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2020 - Today

State Forest State Park

NOTE – Grants funded by the CPF’s License Plate Fund are notated with a related blue Columbine for projects from 2020 until 2022. Unless otherwise indicated, as of 2023 moving forward, all grant support provided is from the CPF License Plate Fund.

2020 - total support $12,500

Based on the economic realities related to the COVID Pandemic the CPF limited Grant support to a single grant outside of the ongoing commitment to the Chatfield Reservoir Environmental Pool.

Little Dry Creek Art Mural
Art Installation

Grant: $5,000
Match: $1,000

A grant from the CPF providing funding for a local-area artist’s creation of a mural along the Creek where it travels underneath Santa Fe Blvd.

Chatfield Reservoir Reallocation Project
Environmental Pool Support

Grant: $7,500  (Total CPF financial commitment - $75,000 - $52,500 paid to date)
Match: $1,450,000

After over 2+ decades of collaborative engagement from all aspects of the public, private, philanthropic and political communities Chatfield Reservoir/Chatfield State Parks witnessed over $170 Million of recreational, environmental and flood storage improvements to, in turn, all the Reservoir to have the ability to store over 40,000 Acre Feet of water, benefitting municipal and agricultural constituents throughout Colorado.  Over 5% of that additional storage has been designated into an “Environmental Pool” (EP) which will be used for environmental and recreational benefits for the South Platte River Watershed downstream of the Reservoir. 

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Elkhead Reservoir State Park

2021 - total support $124,000

Chatfield State Park
Outdoor Interpretive Sign

Grant: $1,000
Match: $1,000

The CPF provided funding to support the creation of an Outdoor Interpretive Sign with the area of the Park managed by Denver Audubon.

Fisher's Peak State Park
Visitor Center Table

Grant: $15,500 
Match: $2,000,000

Support from the CPF will allow for the creation of a significant table for the future Visitor’s Center lobby that will feature a 3 dimensional map of the Park’s topography along with images of the various forms of wildlife living within the Park.

Chatfield Reservoir Reallocation Project
Environmental Pool Support

Grant: $7,500  (Total CPF financial commitment - $75,000 - $60,000 paid to date
Match: $1,450,000

After over 2+ decades of collaborative engagement from all aspects of the public, private, philanthropical and political communities Chatfield Reservoir/Chatfield State Parks witnessed over $170 Million of recreational, environmental and flood storage improvements to, in turn, all the Reservoir to have the ability to store over 40,000 Acre Feet of water, benefitting municipal and agricultural constituents throughout Colorado.  Over 5% of that additional storage has been designated into an “Environmental Pool” (EP) which will be used for environmental and recreational benefits for the South Platte River Watershed downstream of the Reservoir. 

Center for American Values (CAV)
Student Volunteer Day

Grant: $15,000 
Match: $90,000

Support from the CPF provided a grant to CAV’s Educational Outreach program to engage a large group of high school and college students to participate in a community volunteer day focused on enhancing several parks and natural areas within the City of Pueblo.

Confluence Park
Public Art Project

Grant: $25,000 
Match: $10,000

A grant from the CPF created a significant art project adjacent to the grassy area within Confluence Park along Denver’s South Platte River Greenway inspired by river rock images created by Denver area youth.  The project was named “A River Runs Through It”.

Ellis Elementary
Community Garden

Grant: $25,000 
Match: $20,000

The CPF provided a grant to Ellis Elementary School in support of, when fully realized, 12 newly constructed garden beds to plant vegetables and allow the local community volunteers to learn what is involved with planting, nurturing and harvesting healthy food.

Johnson Habitat Park
Public Art Project

Grant: $25,000 
Match: $20,000

Support from the CPF created a significant art project within Johnson-Habitat Park along Denver’s South Platte River Greenway featuring five metal “trees” with kinetic-moving “leaves” emulating columbines, Colorado’s official state flower.   The project was named “Your World For A Moment”.

Village of Louviers Triangle Park
Tree Planting

Grant: $10,000 
Match: $11,000

A grant from the CPF supported the purchase and planting of 25 spruce trees along a street tree corridor within the Village. The previous trees dating back to the early 20th century all died due to a budworm infestation.


Fisher's Peak State Park

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Confluence Park Art Project

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Johnson Habitat Park Art Project

2022 - total support $63,500

Highline Lake State Park
Dark Sky Support

Grant: $1,500
Match: $1,000

The CPF provided a grant in support of the Park’s International Dark Sky Association certification effort focused on related educational signage.

Jackson Lake State Park
Seed Drill

Grant: $4,000
Match: $4,500

Support from the CPF purchased a Seed Driller to allow the Park to increase native vegetation within the Park which, in turn, will reduce invasive vegetation species.

Lincoln Veterans Memorial Park
Monument Dedication

Grant: $15,000
Match: $12,000

The CPF provided support for the dedication of Lincoln Veterans Monument Park located in the heart of Denver between the State Capitol and Denver’s Civic Center Park.

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Chatfield Reservoir Reallocation Project
Environmental Pool Support

Grant: $15,000 (Total CPF financial commitment - $75,000 - Fully paid with this grant)
Match: $1,450,000

After over 2+ decades of collaborative engagement from all aspects of the public, private, philanthropic and political communities Chatfield Reservoir/Chatfield State Parks witnessed over $170 Million of recreational, environmental and flood storage improvements to, in turn, all the Reservoir to have the ability to store over 40,000 Acre Feet of water, benefitting municipal and agricultural constituents throughout Colorado.  Over 5% of that additional storage has been designated into an “Environmental Pool” (EP) which will be used for environmental and recreational benefits for the South Platte River Watershed downstream of the Reservoir. 

Mueller State Park
Equipment Safety

Grant: $1,200
Match: $1,000

A grant from the CPF purchased archery equipment and related training documents to allow Park staff to teach volunteers/visitors how to use the new equipment safely.

North Sterling State Park
Boat Slip Improvements

Grant: $4,300
Match: $3,000

Support from the CPF providing needed materials to replace and repair the boat slips used by Park visitors.

Ridgway State Park
Paddleboard Purchase

Grant: $5,000
Match: $30,000

The CPF provided support for the purchase of paddleboards, paddles and safety equipment to enable the Park staff to offer expanded recreational opportunities for their youth visitor programs.

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General Maurice Rose Statue & Memorial

Grant: $5,000
Match: $800,000

A grant from the CPF provided funding for the General Rose Statue, the newest Memorial in Lincoln Veterans Memorial Park.

Stagecoach State Park
Educational Materials

Grant: $2,500
Match: $5,250

Support from the CPF provided additional programming and related educational materials for the Park’s Junior Ranger Program

Black Hawk Family Center
Educational Exhibit

Grant: $10,000
Match: $7,000

The CPF provided a grant in support of improvements to a 6.5 acre property in Gilpin County, adjacent to Golden Gate Canyon State Park, to help create a unique 6-hole par three golfing opportunity along with 3 putt-putt golf holes and other family-based recreational opportunities.

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North Sterling State Park

Lincoln Veterans Memorial Park

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General Maurice Rose Statue & Memorial

Black Hawk Family Center

2023 - total support $36,000

Barr Lake State Park
Trailer Support

Grant: $3,000
Match: $12,000

A grant from the CPF helped purchase a trailer and trailer wrap to move the Park’s track chairs around the Park as well as the throughout Colorado.

Chatfield State Park
Leave No Trace Designation 

Grant: $6,000
Match: $6,500

The CPF provided a grant in support of creating and installing “Leave No Trace” signs throughout the Park in support of the Parks efforts to earn a Gold Standard Site designation by the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics.

Crawford State Park

Winter Sports for Youth

Grant: $3,000
Match: $5,000

A grant from the CPF helped purchase ice fishing and cross-country skiing equipment for the Park’s engagement with local youth outreach programs and regional Park advocates.


Arkansas Headwaters Recreation Area State Park
Park Improvements

Grant: $3,000 
Match: $47,000

The CPF provided a grant in support of a variety of improvements and enhancements including an ADA accessible restroom and fishing pier at the Vallie Bridge Campground.

James M. Robb Colorado River State Park
Interpretive Sign Improvement

Grant: $3,000
Match: $5,000

The CPF provided a grant to upgrade and replace outdated interpretive signs throughout the Park.

John Martin Reservoir State Park
Camping Improvements

Grant: $3,000
Match: $3,000

Support from the CPF provided funding for the installation of hammock friendly campgrounds and related supporting equipment in order to relieve stress on trees used for hammock camping, as well as diversify the camping options throughout the Park.

Mancos State Park
Material Upgrades

Grant: $3,000
Match: $3,000

The CPF provided support for the purchase and replacement of a variety of equipment and tools that were greatly needed for daily maintenance throughout the Park.


Pearl Lake State Park
Fire Rings & Grill Stands

Grant: $6,000
Match: $1,000

Funding from the CPF supported the purchase of new fire rings and grill stands.

Ridgway State Park
Gear Storage

Grant: $6,000
Match: $7,000

The CPF provided a grant to help purchase a twenty foot, fully enclosed storage trailer to house gear for paddle boarding, fishing, snowshoeing, and archery used for youth and community outreach programs in Western Colorado.

John Martin Reserovir State Park

Crawford State Park

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Ridgway State Park

2024 - total support $24,000

Cheyenne Mountain State Park
Mountain Bike Program

Grant: $4,000
Match: $1,000

The CPF provided a grant to implement a free bike rental equipment program. The grant will allow the Park to purchase the first group of mountain bikes that will be rented out for free to the public.

Elkhead Reservoir State Park
Archery Supplies

Grant: $2,000
Match: $3,000

A grant from the CPF helped complete work on the archery range within the Park. The grant provided enough funding for new targets for the static range for multiple seasons.

Rifle Falls / Rifle Gap State Park
Interpretive Signs

Grant: $8,000
Match: $3,000

The CPF provided a grant to fulfill a need for interpretive signs for five miles of new trail within Rifle Falls and Rifle Gap State Parks. The area is rich with natural and cultural resources and the park wishes to share this information with its visitors. Signs will be dispersed along the new trail system as currently there is no signage and very few interpretive signs within either Park.

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Barr Lake State Park
Animal-Proof Trash Container

Grant: $2,000 
Match: $800

Support from the CPF helped purchase a 68- gallon animal-proof trash container as well as the supplies necessary to install it, including concrete and special hardware.

Spinney Mountain State Park
Interpretive Signs

Grant: $2,000
Match: $1,000

Support from the CPF will allow for the creation and installation of updated interpretive and informational signage around the Park. This new signage will help visitors understand the rules, regulations, and area features of the Park.

State Forest State Park
Maintenance Supplies

Grant: $2,000
Match: $1,000

The CPF helped purchase a pressure washer for the volunteer camp hosts to use while on duty. This will enable them to keep the shower house and bathrooms clean. An ATV trailer was purchased as well to help provide transport of the pressure washer between campsites.

Trinidad Lake State Park
Equipment Storage Improvements

Grant: $4,000
Match: $1,000

The CPF supported the purchase of an enclosed storage trailer for the archery range equipment at the Park. This greatly improved the Park’s ability to run the archery range in a more efficient manner, as the closer proximity of the storage trailer to the range itself and will save an estimated 1-1.5 hours of set up and breakdown time per event.


State Forest State Park

Rifle Falls State Park

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Trinidad Lake State Park


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North Sterling State Park

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