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1990 - 1999

State Forest State Park

1990 - total support $21,249


Cherry Creek State Park
Connecting Trail

Grant: $2,000

Leveraged Grant: $150,000

           Town of Parker Park funds

The FCSP provided a grant to the Town of Parker in support of the Cherry Creek South Greenway trail which, when completed, will connect Cherry Creek State Park with Castlewood Canyon State Park. The project is a priority trail corridor within the Division's State Trails Plan.

Denver Office, Public Information System
Macintosh Computer

Grant: $2,149

The FCSP provided a grant to purchase a Macintosh computer that assists staff at the front desk in providing a quick and effective way to identify the location of State Parks across Colorado as well as answer related inquires. The speed and quality of the Division's ability to provide a response to these inquires has been greatly upgraded due to this grant.

Jackson Lake State Park

Grant: $1,900

The amphitheater at Jackson Lake was constructed in 1985 by the park staff out of old picnic table planks and scrap materials. Located next to the shop campground, the facility was too small and did not adequately provide a central staging area for an interpretive program. The FCSP provided a grant to assist with the construction of a new amphitheater installed in the Cove campground. The Cove location provides access to power, restroom facilities and improved parking.

Lathrop State Park
Trail & Aquarium

Grant: $2,000

The FCSP provided a grant to Lathrop State Park's visitor center to create an adjacent pedestrian trail with signs to identify plants and trees as well as a large fish aquarium within the visitor center. The aquarium displays different types of fish stocked in nearby lakes. Both enhancements allow the center to offer environmental education opportunities to local school children and nature study organizations.

Chatfield State Park
Historic Cabin


Grant: $2,000

Leveraged Grant: $4,000

           Historical Moving Company

A cabin with historic value located near Waterton Canyon was donated to the Division by Roxborough Land and Gravel Company. The FCSP provided a grant to Chatfield State Park to move the cabin to a location within the Park. The cabin is tied into the park-wide interpretive program involving a self-guided nature trail, amphitheater wildlife viewing area and wildlife habitat improvement program.

Sweitzer State Park
Playground Structure

Grant: $2,000

Leveraged Grant: $400

           Leisure Design

A donation from the FCSP funded the purchase of a playground structure above the beach at Sweitzer State Park. This structure gives children another means of recreational activity within the Park.

Roxborough State Park
People Mover

Grant: $9,200

Leveraged Grant: $800


Martin Marietta Corp. donated $9,200 to the FCSP to help fund a "people mover" at Roxborough State Park, a golf cart type vehicle used to help transport people who may have difficulty hiking or walking.

Lathrop State Park

Roxborough State Park

1991 - total support $4,000

World Congress on Adventure Travel and Eco-Tourism

Grant: $2,500

Scout Reach Program


Grant: $1,500

The FCSP matched a $2500 commitment from the Division to help sponsor the first World Congress on Adventure Travel and Eco-Tourism organized in Colorado Springs.


Mancos State Park

Through a $1,500 grant from the FCSP, a group of inner-city Scouts biked to Cherry Creek State Park to discover the wonders of the outdoors. Brothers and sisters of the Scouts were invited to attend as well. Lunch was provided and all involved were then returned to downtown by bus.

(This program has been combined with the Youth In Natural Resources program for 1992).

1992 - total support $14,000

Marketing Program
Limited Edition Poster


Grant: $2,500

Chatfield State Park
Watchable Wildlife Project at Chatfield Heronry


Grant: $1,500

Roxborough State Park
Persse Place Signing for Interpretation and Fundraising


Grant: $2,500

North Region Office
Public Information Display
Grant: $2,500

Eleven Mile State Park

Grant: $2,500

A grant from the FCSP allowed for the printing of 2,500 copies of a large poster promoting Colorado State Parks. The poster featured a photograph of Roxborough State Park, donated to the Division by John Fielder, a noted Colorado landscape photographer. The posters were offered for sale at all State Parks offices and many were used as promotional pieces to decorate other government agency offices, congressional offices in Colorado and Washington, DC as well as at various sporting goods stores, special events and more. The poster offered the Division a strong means of spreading the message about the beauty and adventure available within Colorado State Parks.

A grant from the FCSP provided funding for a series of interpretive signs for a combined project involving the collective Divisions of State Parks and Wildlife project at the Chatfield Heronry. The signs, along with wildlife viewing decks, trail system, handicapped access, parking and an interpretive shelter were completed in February of 1993.

A grant from the FCSP allowed for the purchase of two signs to start the fund raising effort of the Persse Place and to tell this project's story. The project was completed in the spring of 1993.

Image by Intricate Explorer

Roxborough State Park

The FCSP provided a grant to purchase an informational touchscreen that was installed at the North Region Office. The touchscreen provides people with information on all state parks and is a progressive step in promoting state parks while still providing superior customer service. It is the hope of the FCSP that this collaborative effort will serve as a prototype that can be expanded throughout the state parks system.

A grant from the FCSP helped fund the renovation of the Eleven Mile State Park's amphitheater making it possible for the park's staff to provide visitors with information using a new screen, stage replacement, electricity, and 16 eight foot benches.


Eleven Mile State Park

Highline State Park
Beach Playground Structure

Grant: $2,500

Leveraged Grant: $2,082

            Kroger Inc.

Matched with a grant for $2,082 from Kroger Inc., a grant from the FCSP helped purchase a new playground structure at the beach within Highline State Park. An estimated 1.6 million children will reap the benefit of this play structure over the next 20 years.

1993 - total support $16,100


St Vrain State Park
Handicap Fishing Pier

Grant: $2,500

A grant from the FCSP was used to pay for a handicap-accessible fishing pier. The project included an eight-foot concrete pathway linking the fishing pier to a concrete parking pad. A curb and a two-rail handrail linked the front of the parking pad around the pathway to the pier.

Lake Pueblo State Park
Arkansas River Handicap Fishing Pier

Grant: $2,000

The FCSP provided a grant to improve fishing access for wheelchair users along the Arkansas River. The project consisted of a 15-foot by 15-foot concrete pad along the river's edge. The pad is partially submerged to allow wheelchair users direct access and contact with the water.

Cherry Creek State Park
Shade Tree Establishment and Renovation

Grant: $2,000

A grant from the FCSP was used to pay for the rental of a tree spade and transplanting materials allowing 500 shade trees to be planted at the swim beach, picnic area and campsites at Cherry Creek State Park.

Littleton Office of Colorado State Parks
Brochure Rock

Grant: $2,500

The FCSP purchased a brochure rack to better serve the 20,000 customers that come into the Registration Unit each year. The rack displays a wide range of information for special-use groups, safety classes and other helpful information.

Chatfield State Park
Children's Playground


Grant: $2,400

The FCSP provided a grant to construct a play structure at the swim beach. More than 60,000 visitors use the swim beach every year, including many children from nearby day care centers.

Navajo State Park
Campground Amphitheater

Grant: $2,500

A grant from the FCSP was used to help pay for a permanent campground amphitheater. Many visitors enjoy the programs offered at Navajo every year and the permanent amphitheater will significantly improve the quality and quantity of the programs and performances.

Marketing Program

Exploring Colorado State Parks Book


Grant: $2,200

The FCSP purchased a copy of Exploring Colorado State Parks, by Martin G. Kleinsorge, for every member of the Foundation for Colorado State Parks. The purpose of this effort was to update the members on the status of Colorado State Parks, to thank them for their support and to encourage them to invite more people to join the FCSP.

Cherry Creek State Park

St Vrain State Park

1994 - total support $12,000

Expansion of the Efforts of the Foundation for Colorado State Parks

Grant: $12,000

A number of areas for expansion of the FCSP were explored in 1994. There were two goals in mind during the review: 1) how can the FCSP's endowment continue to grow, and 2) how can the FCSP attract and hold onto additional loyal supporters.


Three exciting programs were developed from the study and were initiated, funded in part by the FCSP:


The Division initiated plans for a statewide Friends of State Parks (Friends) program, an effort to attract a loyal constituency to Colorado State Parks. The Friends program is open to everyone (individuals, families, groups, companies). Beginning with pilot programs at 7-8 parks, the goal is to have a Friends program at every park in the state. It is hoped that the Friends program will draw a new level of supporters to the FCSP, while also increasing private sector support for individual state parks.


Initiate the creation of a biannual newsletter from the FCSP to better communicate with FCSP members and allow them an improved opportunity to increase the membership of the FCSP.


A significant effort titled The Parklands Project was initiated as a means of obtaining up to $3 million for urgent land acquisitions in and around state parks. The structure and non-profit status of the FCSP helped initiate this campaign, which is scheduled to take three years and result in significant benefits to nine state parks: Roxborough, Golden Gate Canyon, Eldorado Canyon, Barr Lake, Boyd Lake, Rifle Gap, Colorado River and Castlewood Canyon State Parks, as well as the Arkansas Headwaters Recreation Area.

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Boyd Lake State Park

1995 - total support $14,000

Castlewood Canyon State Park
Self-Guided Nature Trail Audio Program

Grant: $2,500

The FCSP provided a grant to develop and produce an audio tape program to enhance the self-guided nature trail at Castlewood Canyon State Park. The audio message complements the existing wayside exhibits along the nature trail while being a stand-alone program. A story teller shares information about the five different ecosystems in the park, and through words, nature sounds and music, the program encourages listeners to become more aware of the landscape around them. There are twenty tape-and-player units available, and the program is broad enough to appeal to all age groups, from school-aged children to seniors.

Statewide Programs

Trade Show Display

A grant from the FCSP was matched with $2,500 to purchase a new trade show display unit. The unit is a "pop-up" style display, easy to set up and is fully contained in one small, portable carrier. The unit is easily updated with new photographs and signs to make the display appropriate for any show.


Eight Interpretive Tanks


Grant: $10,500 

The FCSP provided a grant to fund eight fully-contained interpretive trunks to support the work of the Division's interpretive/ environmental education staff. The trunks were distributed to each park region and to four individual parks with strong interpretive programs (Eldorado, Mueller, Steamboat and Ridgway State Parks.) The trunks were filled with visual materials and training tools to bring the interpretive message to life: animal bones, skins and skulls, books, rubber animal track forms, etc. Through the grant, the Division was able to work with the Division of Wildlife to preserve a number of animal visitor center interpretive displays including bighorn sheep, mountain lions and black bears.


Castlewood Canyon State Park

1996 - total support $12,000

Mueller State Park
Visitor Center Kiosk

Grant: $2,500
Leveraged Grant: $1,500

A grant from the FCSP provided funding for an informational sign at the new visitor center at Mueller State Park. The sign includes a wide variety of information visitors need after hours: emergency assistance, general park information and maps, interpretive program schedules, activities, and other campground information. The two­ sided sign is eight feet high with a protective roof. The 12-15 feet of display space is enclosed in glass and has night time lighting. The base of the display is moss rock, to match the look of the building.

Statewide Programs
Kids Activity Book


Grant: $2,500

Leveraged Grant: $10,000

           Great Outdoors Colorado

The FCSP provided a matching grant of $2,500 in support of a $10,000 grant from Great Outdoors Colorado to develop and produce a colorful Kids Activity Book for the thousands of annual young visitors to Colorado State Parks. Targeted to children 6 to 12 years of age, this book features outdoor safety and environmental messages that are shared in ways that are fun for kids through games, puzzles and delightful things to color. The book is available at all Colorado State Parks and related management offices. The book is a great gift for kids who participate in a park program or for families who find themselves stuck in a campground on a rainy afternoon. The Kids Activity Book introduces and features the mascot of Colorado State Parks - Talon, the red-tailed hawk, the image of which helps reach young visitors with important information about being safe in the outdoors.

Chatfield State Park
Discovery Pavilion Trees


Grant: $2,000 

A grant from the FCSP provided much-needed trees for the Chatfield Greenway and Discovery Pavilion at the southwest side of Chatfield State Park. Supported and funded by many agencies and donors, including Colorado State Parks, Lockheed Martin, Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado, the Denver Water Department, Denver Parks and Recreation and the South Suburban Parks Foundation, the total project cost is estimated to be $425,000. The Discovery Pavilion is an area with shade trees, benches and interpretive signing. The trees delineate the area, creating the Pavilion as well as marking the site where the Highline Canal Trail, the Colorado Trail and the South Platte River/ Arapahoe Greenway Trail System all come together at this attractive location.

West Region Parks

Interpretive Trunks Expansion


Grant: $2,500

A grant from the FCSP extended the effort that was initiated in 1995 to provide park rangers and interpretive/ environmental education staff with the basic materials they need to host and teach effective environmental education programs within Colorado State Parks. The grant purchased an additional four interpretive trunks, one each for Navajo, Highline, Crawford and Rifle state parks. Each of these parks will be able to reach and teach more visitors of all age groups with these exciting materials - animal hides and skulls, books and other visual pieces that bring the environmental education messages to life.

Colorado State Forest State Park

Moose Information Brochure


Grant: $2,500

A grant from the FCSP provided additional funding to develop and produce an informative and engaging brochure for the moose center at the Colorado State Forest entitled "The History of Moose in Colorado". The brochure details how moose were introduced in Colorado, along with biological facts pertaining to moose and wildlife management of moose within Colorado as well as at Colorado State Forest. Much of the interpretive activity at Colorado State Forest is focused on the area's resident moose population. The staff shares information through this brochure as well as a permanent display featuring moose and various interpretive programs.


Mueller State Park

State Forest State Park

1997 - total support $15,000

Mueller State Park
"Living In Bear Country" Display

Grant: $5,000

A grant from the FCSP allowed Mueller State Park to provide an interpretive display at the new visitors center called "Living in Bear Country." Highly visible and providing an air of excitement for visitors, this display carries an important message about living safely with wildlife. The display includes a bear cub in an aspen tree with bear claw marks on the tree trunk and bear tracks on the ground below. Photographs, text and other objects provide information on bear biology and behavior.

Colorado State Forest State Park
Moose Interactive Display

Grant: $5,000

When the FCSP held one of its annual "Picnics in the Parks" at the Colorado State Forest in September 1996, those who attended had an opportunity to tour the magnificent new visitors center. The heart of this new building is an interpretive display area centered around a taxidermy mount of a large bull moose purchased in part by a grant from the FCSP. This important exhibit piece has become a part of the park's permanent display.

Golden Gate Canyon State Park
Touch-screen Computer


Grant: $5,000 

The remodeled visitors center at Golden Gate is becoming an increasingly popular point of interest for visitors as they drive into the park. As part of the interpretive display, a grant from the FCSP purchased an interactive computer that provides visitors the opportunity to gather information about Golden Gate Canyon as well as all of the state parks across Colorado. The system has information about Golden Gate's trail system as well as information on management issues affecting the park.


Golden Gate Canyon State Park

1998 - total support $13,700

Statewide Programs
Color Printer

Grant: $3,700

The FCSP provided a grant to purchase a color printer for the Division's PC network. The printer has enabled staff to provide quality communications for the State Parks Board, legislators, constituents and park visitors. It also has been particularly helpful in grant presentations to Great Outdoors Colorado, the Colorado Lottery and other funding sources.

Colorado State Forest State Park
Outdoor Interpretive Panels


Grant: $2,500

Through a grant from the FCSP, outdoor interactive interpretive panels are being designed and will be constructed for the Moose Visitor Center. The panels include information about moose habitat, wildflower identification, mountain geography and other topics. These panels complement award-winning indoor interpretive displays. ECOS of Boulder, which designed and constructed the indoor exhibits, is designing and constructing the outdoor interpretive panels.

Cherry Creek State Park
Utility Carts


Grant: $2,500 

Utility carts have been purchased for the volunteer campground host program through a grant from the FCSP. The carts provide safe and economical transportation. The retired campground host volunteers rely on the vehicles to carry tools and supplies as they continue to provide a high level of customer service to park visitors.


South Region
Regional Display


Grant: $2,500 

The FCSP funded a regional display, designed for the South Region for use at community events throughout the year.

Sylvan Lake State Park


Grant: $2,500 

Furniture is being built through a grant from the FCSP to provide basic necessities for Sylvan Lake State Park's new camper cabin program. When the cabins open in the summer of 1999, the furniture will provide rustic accommodations for visitors in four of the park's new eight camper cabins.


Cherry Creek State Park

Sylvan Lake State Park

1999 - total support $12,000

State Parks Youth Trail Corps Program

Grant: $12,000

The FCSP supported several critical components for the Division's pilot-year project of using youth corps within state parks to accomplish essential trail work. The $12,000 grant supported three specific aspects of the summer pilot program:

  • A comprehensive training for youth corps crew supervisors. The highly successful five-day training for youth corps crew supervisors was conducted at the Colorado Mountain College in Leadville, in early June. It brought together 81 professionals from across Colorado, including 18 youth corps crew supervisors.

  • An environmental education manual for use by supervisors and corps members. The Environmental Learning Field Book integrates learning about Colorado State Parks into the context of environmental issues such as stewardship, conservation, forest ecology, and more. The manual, especially designed for use in the field, includes quick, 15-minute learning activities as well as more in-depth activities requiring an hour or more.

  • A Colorado State Parks youth corps identity through the design and distribution of a specific State Parks youth corps logo. The Colorado youth corps programs, participating in the summer State Park trail work, received an assortment of hard-hat stickers, iron-on embroidered patches, bandanas, and baseball-style hats with patches. All of these items increased the youth corps' visibility on site and included the specially designed logo featuring the columbine flower.

The summer pilot of the Colorado State Parks Youth Trail Corps Program has proven successful for all involved parties. A total of 51 weeks of work, involving 87 young adults, was completed in eight state parks and on three Off-Highway Vehicle projects. The support of the FCSP enabled the summer pilot to be introduced with considerable and essential support in the development of the training and environmental education manual as well as establishing youth corps as a significant work force in state parks.


NorthSterling-95-VERDON TOMAJKO.jpg

North Sterling State Park

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